Archive for the ‘Muggle Tech’ Category

Wyrmwood gaming table

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

So, I finally decided to purchased a gaming table. After spending a lot of time designing and planning out my own table with all the bells and whistles, I decided I could not make a table of the same quality. The company that makes the table is Wyrmwood. You can learn everything about the table from their site:

I decided to purchase a medium sized table (6-8 people) in Maple. Most of my house is maple, so this is a good fit. I really wanted black walnut, but the cost of the wood upgrade was too high for me to justify. I ended up buying a few of their accessories (cup holders, hobby shelfs, hobby vault, etc…). It is my intention to learn to make them on my own and maybe come up with some new accessories. I have done some math on the process and materials and I know I can’t do it cheaper, but I want to learn how to do it. This will include learning to program a CNC device for wood routing.

This table was a kickstarter project that offered build slots. My slot isn’t until April of 2024. So I have a while to wait. I plan to do a full set of videos from delivery to assembly and use. Look out for that next year.

Some photos of the table build

Drop down menus using CSS

Friday, November 18th, 2022

I was looking through some old sites and stumbled across this. This was a school project I did to create drop down menus without any javascript. They are all done inside CSS.

They are based on Steve Gibson’s GRC website (

Mail cache bug in Apple Mail using Dovecot

Tuesday, June 7th, 2022

I ran into this bug today with Apple mail and Dovecot/Imap.

I was trying to delete a lot of email and it would go away and then a few seconds come right back. Sometimes it would stick, most times it would come back.

Digging deep into this, I discovered that dovecot creates a mail/.imap cache directory. Looking in the mail logs I noticed that there was a an error about index corruption on the cache.

The simple solution is to stop dovecot, deleted the entire .imap directory and restart dovecot.

This will require the client to re-sync the cache (so it might take awhile if you have a lot of mail or folders).

In my case, this appears to have resolved the problem.

New project on the Horizon

Sunday, November 1st, 2020

So I am starting a new project. I have decided to start a YouTube channel. My primary focus is going to be on system administration ‘tips and tricks’ and some IT training videos. I will also be doing technology review, how-to videos as well as start doing travel vlogs.

Those of you that know about my previous travel blogs:, it will be a lot like that only video. I have watched hundreds of travel vlogs over the last 3 months and they are all missing things I feel I can bring to the table.

My new website for the channel will be at: and my YouTube channel will be at:

Currently, there is no content. I am in the process of getting my office cleaned up and ready, so I can start recording. I am also testing out a lot of recording equipment and editing software.

If there are subjects or topics you are interested in seeing, please leave me a comment here or on the channel, or send me email.

Exploding kittens expansion pack

Sunday, September 20th, 2020

A new expansion module is available!!