Archive for the ‘Things Peeves Would Do’ Category

It’s 1984 do you know where your Big Brother is?

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

If you ever needed proof that big brother is out there, read this article:

I have heard rumors of this happening and full blown denying by the DHS. It now appears that not only where they lying about it, but they have zero probable cause.

When I learned about the bill of rights I understood the Fourth Admendment to protect us from this sort of action by the US Government and all of it’s representatives.

If at anytime you needed to write your congressperson, now is the time.

In the short term, I recommend you encrypt your hard drives with something like TrueCrypt and put all your sensitive data on an IronKey.

If this is not addressed and recognized as an illegal act and a violation of the Bill of Rights it will only be a short time before the DHS is allowed to enter your homes and search everything without a warrant.

Please pass this on to everyone you know. Do not allow us to loose our civil liberties!

Why buy a hammer if your never going to use it?

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008

One of my pet peeves is people who buy SUV’s but drive them like their in a classic car. Today on my way to work, I had the displeasure to be behind a driver of a Land Rover who would not drive with any sort of sanity. They were driving 20 mph in a 40 zone. The car was not new, so it wasn’t a situation where they didn’t know their vehicle. To top it off, they crawled over the drive way entrance into work afraid to jar their vehicle.

Why in the world would you bother buying a vehicle that can go off-road and leap tall buildings in a single bound if your never going to drive that way? That little bump between the street and the parking lot is NOT going to hurt your car. Your not even going to feel it.