First attempt to upgrade to SSD drive

So I decided to upgrade my internal hard drive to an SSD drive tonight. The only problem I ran into of the install was that it required a GID partition. It took a little bit to figure out where to change this. Once I fixed that, I was able to start the install.

2.5 hours later, I had the OS installed on the SSD drive and my applications copied over. And now my problems began!

When I created my account, it set my UID to a different number. Not a bad thing, I would just have to change the ownership on my old directory. So I changed permissions then set my home directory to the old internal drive.

I then logged out and back in. All of my settings appeared to work. I started poking around and discovered the following:
All of my Firefox bookmarks disappeared. Every single calendar I had was duplicated in iCal. Most of this was due to busysync, but some just ended up with two copies. Trying to delete the duplicate was a small disaster as it decided to send out email to everyone declining every appointment.
Molble Me was missing, not even a system prefernce option. Although the taskbar icon was there. When I tried to sync, I got all sorts of errors.

Time machine not working, and the icon disappeared from my dock. Once I found it, I  started it up and found my vault completely empty. I then found several dock icons missing. when I went and searched for them, I found them with my old UID. I was able to change them to my current one and they worked again.
I then started up iTunes to find it completly empty. I then checked the permissions on the files in the Music directory, after realizing the icons in the finder are all set to default folders. I noticed that they had a strange setting for permissions, so I tried to change the permissions and every time I clicked the + key, the finder would crash.

That was the last straw for me, so I changed the ownership on my home directory back to the previous version and set my boot drive back to the internal and rebooted.

I will need to figure out a better method to do this in the future. Lessons learned and time wasted tonight.

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