Awaiting some info…

In response to some of my friends who think I am anti-iphone ๐Ÿ˜‰

Oy! I think it’s the best thing since sliced bread, but the problems I see with it is the data network choice (but will withhold my judgement until I can play with one on edge and see if it’s fast enough or not) and the total lack of knowledge of the people selling the phone. (someone that has one, let’s talk ๐Ÿ˜‰

I stopped into both an apple store and AT&T store and had bad experiences… Will that stop me from getting one? Probably not. Mario knows me better than that… it’s the performance of the data network that will sway me one way or another. It’s one of the reasons I refused to buy a Treo when everyone on the block was raving about them.

Lots of people think I am negative because of the company I work for. But come on guys! Remember I bought a GSM phone that only supported 9600 baud as well as a wireless attachment for my palm that did 19,200 baud? I needed it for specific reasons and not for all the wiz-bang features everyone else did.

For those of you that remember: I got the Nokia 9000il because I could send/receive faxes from it and it had a telnet/ssh client available. This was critical for me as I was consulting at the time and needed to fix a system problem from anywhere in the world. BTW, I think I was the only person in california that actually had the phone activated properly. Helps that you have a relative that sells them ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, I am just sitting waiting for more sources of information to come in. BTW, I am really curious why neither Apple or AT&T are willing to discuss how many units have been sold or how many have been activated? What’s to hide guys?

I see a new video of dissection has been posted, so i will check that out and see if that helps answers some of my questions.

One Response to “Awaiting some info…”

  1. Darkavich says:

    just finished watching:

    It looks like this is an extremely complex assembly I have ever seen. The one thing I have learned is “forget about replacing the battery”

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