So you just got a new mac…

Ok, you finally came over to the light side and bought a mac! Yeah!

So I am always asked; “what else should I buy?” I have put together a few must have’s for mac users.

Most users enter the mac world with a power book or the mini. The first thing your going to need is port/disk expansion. I highly recommend the Mini-Pal. This neet little device gives you expanded usb and firewire ports, plus a faster hard drive. It even has a one button backup system.

Want to use your mac as a Digital Video recorder? Get an eyeTV card. And better yet, get the eyeHome. This will let you watch your video, photos, music, or any of your eyeTV recorded shows on your TV.

Do you want to do video or audio editing? If you want to have very fine control over the cursor, get a Powermate. I love mine, and having it pulse whenever I have new mail is the ultimate geek toy.

An Ipod! But hey, I don’t need to tell you that. But what you really need is two software programs. Jhymn and Make AAC’s Bookmarkable

If you have a mini, you really need 1gig of memory

Enjoy your new mac!

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