Political FUD

I have been paying attention (my first mistake) to some of the comments made after McCain picked his VP choice. The biggest issue I have read is the inexperience of the governor of alaska. So I thought I would do a quick Wikipedia search of all the past presidents and see what their experience in public office was before they were elected as vice president or president. I found the results interesting:

Washington (No government experience, military only)
James Monroe (governor for 3 years and 4 months)
Andrew Jackson (senator for 16 months, governor for 8 months)
Zachary Taylor (no government experience, only military)
Millard Fillmore (no experience before elected VP)
James Buchanan (senator 4 months)
Abraham Lincoln (two years in House of Representatives)
Ulysses Grant (no experience, military only)
Chester Arthur (no experience)
William McKinley (4 years governor)
Teddy Roosevelt (2 years governor)
William Taft (1 month Governor cuba)
Woodrow Wilson (26 months governor)
Herbert Hoover (no experience)
Franklin Roosevelt (3 years governor)
Dwight Eisenhower (no experience, only military)

Take the results as you will… All I point out is don’t always listen to propoganda and FUD. Educate yourself and make sure your decision is your own and not just being a parrot of the news media.

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