This day in history

Today is Oct 25th and everyone is posting memes about Henry V and the St. Crispin’s day battle:

I was drawn to look up other events in history and discovered that today is also the day Battle of Balaclava took pace. This is known for the charge of the light brigade. Also, made famous by the poem written by Lord Alfred Tennyson.

On the Wikipedia page:

there appears to be a recording of Lord Tennyson reciting his poem from 1890 recorded on an Edison wax cylinder. Listening to the recording, I am not sure if there is such a lack of emotion in the recording because of the technology or that Tennyson, did have much of an emoting personality. I have heard this poem read by others and have been brought to tears by the reciter. Listing to Tennyson left me with no emotion. Check it out and tell me what you think. The link to the audio (albeit poor quality) is halfway down the page to the right.

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